Supported and Not Supported Devices
Q: What type of printers and copiers are serviced and supported by Connecticut Business Systems (CBS) through the RISD Print Smart program?
A: CBS will service and support all CBS tagged Xerox Multifunction print/copy/fax/scan devices (MFDs) and all networked Xerox and Hewlett Packard LaserJet Printers. CBS will also service and support CBS approved and tagged Wide Format Printers/Plotters.
CBS will not service and support non-CBS tagged devices including non-networked personal Ink Jet printers and non-networked personal LaserJet printers.
Q: Will CBS support any other Make/Model LaserJet Devices?
A: CBS supports only HP, Xerox and Dell LaserJet printers. If other models need to be serviced, this will need to be discussed with the service manager on a case by case basis. Contact the IT Service Desk.
Q: Will CBS service or support any InkJet devices?
A: No. CBS will not service or support any inkjet devices.
Q: If a user has a "CBS supportable" HP, Xerox, or Dell LaserJet printer which is not CBS tagged, due to the fact that it is non-networked and used locally, will CBS service it?
A: Yes. CBS can service a “CBS supportable” local LaserJet printer which is not tagged on a per incident chargeable basis. The service call, labor and any parts would be chargeable. Such calls are chargeable as follows: $180/1st hr with $12.75 each 15 min increment plus the cost of any parts.
Purchase and Replacement of Devices
Q: Will the RISD Print Smart program centrally fund the purchase and replacement of all RISD campus networker printers?
A: No. The RISD Print Smart program will fund the purchase and replacement of Xerox Multifunction print/copy/fax/scan devices (MFDs.) Departments will be financially responsible for the initial purchase and subsequent replacement of all non-Xerox MFD printers and copiers. However, when a printer or copier needs to be purchased or replaced, CBS will consult with the associated department and make a recommendation for the most efficient device based on the department’s specific needs and requirements.
*The replacement of risdPRINTS <ON CUE> pay for print devices in RISD labs, studios and classrooms will continue to be funded by the risdPRINTS <ON CUE> program.
Q: What do I do if my department needs to purchase or replace a printer or copier?
A: Please contact the RISD IT Service Desk, or (401) 454-6106, and place a service request for a RISD Print Smart consultative assessment and subsequent device recommendation.
Print Charges
Q: How will my department be charged for pages printed and copied on CBS tagged Xerox MFD and networked LaserJet devices?
A: Through network monitoring of print and copy output, monthly print/copy volumes will be calculated for each CBS tagged device. The total print/copy number will be multiplied by the applicable per page rate and internally charged to the GL account associated with each printer and/or each print/copy account code.
Supplies and Service Contact Information
Q: How do I order/receive toner for my CBS tagged printers and MFD/copiers?
A: CBS will ask for the appropriate name and RISD shipping address of a RISD contact person for each CBS tagged printer and MFD/copier. Network monitoring tools will alert CBS when a device is running low on toner. This alert will trigger the automated delivery of new toner to the appropriate RISD contact person.
*Back-up toner can be requested in advance for high volume use devices.
Q: How do I contact CBS for printer and MFD/copier supplies (i.e. staples)?
A: Locate the EQUIPMENT I.D. # on the device’s CBS tag.
*Please note: if your CBS tagged printer/copier is networked you do not need to order toner. It will be sent to you automatically.
Q: How do I contact CBS for printer and MFD/copier service?
A: Locate the EQUIPMENT I.D. # on the device’s CBS tag.
Q: How do I order printer and copier paper?
A: The RISD Print Smart program does not currently include printer and copier paper. Please continue to directly purchase paper for your department.
Q: How do I order toner for a printer that is not tagged by CBS?
A: For local (i.e. not networked) printers, inkjet printers and other printers that were not tagged by CBS, you may continue to order toner as you have in the past. You may contact Purchasing for a list of recommended vendors (e.g. WB Mason, etc).